Wednesday 12 December 2012

Dear Lord,

Please pray for the alawite minority in syria as well as the ChristiansThey need to ask for President Assad to stand down rather than defend themselves using chemical weapons.

That would only illicit western arming after a UN security council resolution for the rebels who are now recognised as teh legitimate government. Both sides are short of food and medical supplies so a peace conference and constitutional convention are better than further loss of life.


Thursday 6 December 2012

Islrael has a shariah court

This is a little known fact in the UK but the state of israel has a shariah court staffed by a imman as part of its respect for minority religions.

In a recent USA interfaith tour ICCI director Rabbi Kno kronish and him spoke at numer ous locations about how democracy and rule of law produce dialogue and reconciliation through prayer.

It is time for the new palestinian authority as part of its remit and claim for as much of the 1948-67 borders as possible to have its own version of the Beth din for the resultant west bank jewish minority.

Friday 23 November 2012

Egypt has a elected lower house of parliament and constitutional assembly, a mubarak era dissolved parliament upper house that has been discredited and therefore constitutional deadlock forcing the democratically elected ceasefire winning president to claimmby decree logjam busting powers.
If they are required to get teh constitution passed within a given timeframe and the president offers to serve only one term of office afterwards to prevent him being a new Mubarak (though he isn't one) it would aid rather than stop their revolution.

Their military and the turkish one are both needed to peacekeep Gaza iunder teh Un resolution as part of a peace agreement building on the casefire as Israels army and navy can't risk being iverwhelmed by hostage takers, hence the policy of blockade from their perspective and as such peace is now as important as ever.

Thursday 15 November 2012

When gaza gets its hands on Egyptian explosives and iranian missiles, peace talks region wide are needed that include the states bordering SYria nad Saudi Arabia. The jeddah version of the Koran may have to be noted and set aside with its references to Christains and Jews to create a lasting peace and two state solution with final status for Jerusalem. There is a modern translation (the Muslim version of teh NRSV / AV in the CofE) that omits the contentious and inflamatory phrases and that needs to be used for teh basis of Arab league summits regarding theology for it and peace talks. The problem is that Hamas are past masters in taking a view and avoiding things that go against it, particulary when attcked back, and with a dmeocratic mandate within Gaza territory.

The peace talks may be concluded with Arab coffee but they need a lot of milk from west bank kibbutzs whose status and citizenship need resolution peacefully.

All of which means that when Peace envoy calls for calm, I agree with him Tony Blair.

Monday 3 September 2012

The problems with the concept of Israeli reunification (ie annexation of Palestine)

1) Many Kibbutzs (settlements) are still on post 1967 occupied territory in the West Bank and are at peace with their Palestinian neighbours under quasi legal status (technically illegal but interdependent with their neighbours.

2) If any remain within the West Bank or the border is redrawn under international agr...eement. I suggest Desmond Tutu could work with Blair on this one or allow a Third world figure or someone with IMF experience to ensure that it is not former crusader kingdom centric world view.

3) This would require a Paelestinian state that respects all faith minorities in it s legislative assembly, similar to Israel and the Senates of many Commonwealth countries)

4) Psalm 23 when used by warriors is bollocks, there are better passages that suggest peaceful reconciliation. Let there be no Massadas like in AD70 when the Romans tried to drive people out by force and the settlements were either slaugfhtered in the Kidron or committed suicide within their fortresses. It is the first holocaust in my opinion.

5) As such the best option is to agree a peace conference and call a ceasefire in Syria

6) There needs to be regional mutual defence pact including Israel and Iran co-operating with each other on complete nuclear disarmament and civilian fuel production for civilian reactors, both under international auspices to ensure that no side or future state such as Iraq or Saudi can cheat and supply weapons (in case a member of the Bin Laden family or Wahibbi wants to get their own back for Osama Bin ladens assassination.

7) Golan would be the pacts home base and training centre as its status would otherwise be too contentious in international peace talks regarding ending the civil war in Syria.

Friday 31 August 2012

Asthe non aligned worldcallsforthe removalofweapons and Irand to behave itself by not denying teh holocaust and Syria to seek peace,the question toaskis what next for Israel and Palestine,can teh status of Jeruslamen and Bethlehem and Ramallah be reconciled as part ofthe two state solution as the common capitalarea,like the multiplediocese Greater LondonAuthority.

If my terminology teh tri city area is tooprovocataive inthe eyes of Americans beacause it remembers New York and 9/11then other terms might be:

Episcopal city ( with faith input through an interfiath christian councilmaking representations toteh cttes and municpal capital authority,similar to Churhces together or the ArchbishopsCouncil)

Greater Jerusalem Area

Tri city metropolis

Metropolitan area (too fixed towards one form of church and might be viewed with suspicionby the chief imman of teh Domeofteh Rockand the Rabbis alike)

Hence any form of capital region needs clear written constitution and democratic elections and teh ability to call evidence from all faith communities).

Tuesday 3 July 2012

I favour a federal constitution with the removal or regulation of bye laws under an English Parliament with a de facto seperation of church of state, whiole keeping teh de jure rights of teh church so as to advise teh crown and call for a second constitutional convention should at a subsequent point a devolved nation wish to secede. that would keep Northern Ireland, scotland and wales from being sectarian and ensure that a united Ireland could join the Commonwealth.

The minority and human rights legislation could then continue to be applied in the successor states to protect both immigrant and minority languages from Alba (scottish) to Kernewek

Tuesday 12 June 2012

UN Law requires ideally for a head of state / government indited by The international Criminal Court to make a peace agreement with the other side and face trial rather than further attricities and to help humanitarian aid. For someone (say President Assad Junior) to be assassinated would only risk tit for tat civil war or the states further militarisation under a general. In that scenario said individual could be so minded to try and retake the Golan which could risk the use of battlefield WMDs which could pollute teh water table of Israel/ Palestine/ Lebanon/ Jordan and Syria itself rather than aid in talks for the disarmament of Nukes from the region.

Monday 12 March 2012

Global nuclear disarmament now please

James Andrew Ware
With whats going on at the moment surely there is a need for Global nuclear disarmament and regulation through the United Nations for civilian fule production.

It works for UK, France, Japan, USA, Russia and China who cooperate thgrough the United Nations and IAEA seperately at present.

Israel is giving every warning that it has them so surely this issue, if now supported by Pakistan and India could go to the United Nations General Assembly