Wednesday 12 December 2012

Dear Lord,

Please pray for the alawite minority in syria as well as the ChristiansThey need to ask for President Assad to stand down rather than defend themselves using chemical weapons.

That would only illicit western arming after a UN security council resolution for the rebels who are now recognised as teh legitimate government. Both sides are short of food and medical supplies so a peace conference and constitutional convention are better than further loss of life.


Thursday 6 December 2012

Islrael has a shariah court

This is a little known fact in the UK but the state of israel has a shariah court staffed by a imman as part of its respect for minority religions.

In a recent USA interfaith tour ICCI director Rabbi Kno kronish and him spoke at numer ous locations about how democracy and rule of law produce dialogue and reconciliation through prayer.

It is time for the new palestinian authority as part of its remit and claim for as much of the 1948-67 borders as possible to have its own version of the Beth din for the resultant west bank jewish minority.