Tuesday 31 August 2010

Specimen Middle East Peace communique, it can't be that hard now can it?

The states of Israel, Palestine and its neighbours need to live in peace and security free from the threat of wmd, specifically nuclear weapons in Iran if said state continues to process its own fuel and issues rhetoric against Israel who in turn needs to surrender its nuclear weapons along with every other state (including the UK and USA) to the UN for the purpose of asteroid deflection.Gaza TerritoryThe Government of Egypt surrenders its claim over the territory and it is reunified with the West Bank as part of a reformed and reborn Palestinian state with its own regional council and assembly that is pluralistic and democratic to reflect different voting allegiances within the territory with that of the west bank (which should itself have devolved councils with similar powers so that Palestine is a unified and federal state like The United States, Australia, Canada and Iraq and Indonesia).
West Bank Settlements
The states of Israel and Palestine recognise the need for a peace accord and a stable border in which both states nationals can live peacefully within the others territories under democratic constitutions, the rule of law and universal human rights. To this end the issue of settlements already there and the final border beyond the Territories of Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Ramallah is a bilateral one, subject to the ratification of final agreements by the UN and Jordan as former occupying powers when it surrenders its claims at the inauguration of the democratic Palestinian state.

Security Forces for Palestine
Noting the Israeli governments and peoples concerns that previous security forces for Palestinians have been drawn from sectional groups of Hamas and Fatah amongst others, training and provision of the new Palestinian military / police would be done by NATO in conjunction with Egypt and Jordan to aid peaceful borders in the longer term. A Common defence council for the region similar to NATO would also be convened to aid concerns of Arab states and would include Israel to build on its bilateral ties with Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq and Turkey and to act as a stabilising force against worrying Iranian Rhetoric.

Final Status for Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Ramallah, the indivisible trinity?
The status of Jerusalem with both states laying claim to it has been fraught with difficulty and has hampered previous attempts for a peace agreement. Noting the parable of the two women claiming the baby before King Solomon the wise that to divide by the sword will not happen, it is better to view Jerusalem as part of a Metropolitan area including the neighbouring cities of Bethlehem and Ramallah.Such a city capital would include the UN as well so that those whose ‘joues diplomatique’ could end the world are faced with monotheisms abilities to save it so they wouldn’t be so stupid ever again such as the interdenominational Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the multi Jewish sect wailing and southern wall and Temple Mount (the last two linked by a peace bridge constructed while General Ariel Sharon was the democratically elected Prime Minister).

These diplomats would be housed as tenants on disputed housing areas within the territory and the west bank with the rental income paying for the resettlement for those who wish to live within partitioned borders such as the Shas Orthodox Jews or the Hamas and Hizbollah supporting Palestinians. Security could be aided by Interpol and UN peacekeeping. A legal system common to that area and drawn from both states federal courts would apply and any municipal police force would have the right of pursuit and arrest across both states to deter suicide bombers and protect the pilgrims of whatever religion similar to UK police forces at present and to show that Christendom will not pogrom but obeys international law in accordance with the true spirit of the crusades to vanquish evil and defend the meek.


  1. The tri city is also modelled on the peaceful coexistence on the tri state area of New York, New Jersey and Rhode Island before and since 9/11

  2. Plus there is also Temple mount as the Dome of The Rock so that both Israeli and Palestinian legislatures would be within the tri city area.
