Sunday 25 September 2011

Peace rally today

There was a peace rally by Hillingdon interfaith network today. In it local school choirs sang for peace from all faiths. As Muslim states move towards democracy and Sirte is nearly liberated lets remember that all a states citizens must have equality of opportunity, as advocated by the government of John Major. Not every muslim is an islamist and not every christian is a bible bashing fundamentalist.

That is why there needs to be international law and democartic ratification referendums on teh new border as part of the peace process in Israel - Palestine.

Friday 23 September 2011

UN Vote today.

Today the world is rejecting the extremism of Al Queada by removing its main grievance, the unresolved status of the Palestinian people since 1967 with both states polices coperating as would occur if there was two states under international law according to Sky News and Russia today this morning. Hence if the West Bank border is redrawn bilaterally on the WESt Bank and Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Ramallah beomc jointly administered capital city territory, peace can occur.

Then in the former under a democratic constitution the remaining settlers or all of them if the 1967 border is retained could work within teh Paestinian state as Israeli arabs do within Israel. This preceedent would aid the Christians living in both states of whatever church and aid creating a peaceful capital territory for both states.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

No need for an intifada, theres a plan B Outlined on BBC Online

While the US is expected to veto any UN Security Council resolution that recognises Palestinian Statehood, the plan B could make the two state solution more likely. It isn't an intifada, its gaining parity with teh Vatican with Enhanced Observer status by a vote at teh General Assembly where no state has a veto. After that and with that mandate from the international community the neogotiations on final status of Jerusalem which this blog has suggestions on is made easier as it reduces the risk of Islamic radicalisation and another intifada.

Sunday 11 September 2011

A legal basis for the 1967 border to be altered by bilateral consent

In the constitution of teh Russian Federation is a clause (Article 67.3)

3. Borders between constituent entities of the Russian Federation may be changed upon their mutual consent.

So if as Israeli lawyers have argued in the past Israel and Palestine are both the same jurisdiction (though the Palestinians and subsequent peace dialogues have disaggreed with this).

The new attempt for UN statehood takes a devolved territory set up under international auspices and referendums (the Dayton, Camp David accords and handshake at teh White house in the 1990s and the two state solution Under President George W Bush and negotiations, particulary in his second term) and turns it into an independent state. As a seceding state under international law, could Palestine seek its border redrawn with the 'remaining Israeli state' and the territory of Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Ramallah becoming a jointly administered or UN territory.

In my idealistic heart of hearts yes I'd like the Holy Land Christian again but having been there and read all that I have, visited once and seen how people of twi states and three faiths want to live in peace without Al Queada or threats from Iranian missiles and attempts to drive them into the sea. As Hamas and Fatah are both in coalition perhaps now is the best chance for peace