Sunday 11 September 2011

A legal basis for the 1967 border to be altered by bilateral consent

In the constitution of teh Russian Federation is a clause (Article 67.3)

3. Borders between constituent entities of the Russian Federation may be changed upon their mutual consent.

So if as Israeli lawyers have argued in the past Israel and Palestine are both the same jurisdiction (though the Palestinians and subsequent peace dialogues have disaggreed with this).

The new attempt for UN statehood takes a devolved territory set up under international auspices and referendums (the Dayton, Camp David accords and handshake at teh White house in the 1990s and the two state solution Under President George W Bush and negotiations, particulary in his second term) and turns it into an independent state. As a seceding state under international law, could Palestine seek its border redrawn with the 'remaining Israeli state' and the territory of Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Ramallah becoming a jointly administered or UN territory.

In my idealistic heart of hearts yes I'd like the Holy Land Christian again but having been there and read all that I have, visited once and seen how people of twi states and three faiths want to live in peace without Al Queada or threats from Iranian missiles and attempts to drive them into the sea. As Hamas and Fatah are both in coalition perhaps now is the best chance for peace

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