Wednesday 21 September 2011

No need for an intifada, theres a plan B Outlined on BBC Online

While the US is expected to veto any UN Security Council resolution that recognises Palestinian Statehood, the plan B could make the two state solution more likely. It isn't an intifada, its gaining parity with teh Vatican with Enhanced Observer status by a vote at teh General Assembly where no state has a veto. After that and with that mandate from the international community the neogotiations on final status of Jerusalem which this blog has suggestions on is made easier as it reduces the risk of Islamic radicalisation and another intifada.

1 comment:

  1. Plus then a multifawith Palestine in its constitution could secede from Israel under Israels own arguments about it being
    conquered territory and follow the Czechoslovak model of secession and seperation. A united Jeruslaem, Bethlehem and Ramallah as Joint capital statsu under international control and with a common security force drawn from botth Israel and Palesintian official security forces and with international assistance could then come into existence.
