Sunday 2 October 2011


Today the Red Cross has got hpspital aid into Sirte, the remaining stronghold of Colonel Gadaffic in a country where he has been overthrown. There is an aid crisis for food and energy causing teh civilian population to flee the area as well.

Fact check

The Lybian Transitional council (LTC) has now been recognised by the UN, IMF, EU and most national governments.

Gadaffis assets have been seized overseas and directed towards the aid effort where this is allowed under national law and international guidelines under jurisprudence.

Most of his senior staff has either fled with the nations Gold reserves to neighbouring countries or defected to the LTC and other countries.

Therefore in short in the interests of peace between the countries and to avert further civilian life it is better for his forces to surrender. then a united Lybia at the uN can make the efforts needed for a peaceful Palestinian state rejecting extremist rhetoric and the removal of nuclear weapons from the world from teh position of strength that democracy brings to counterbalance aid to Israel from the US. That would be the best mitigation for Gadaffi when he faces the Hague Court for his crimes.

LYbians could then even be human rights observers in Syria, Bahrain and Lebanon as well as Pa.lestine whatever their faith and especially if they're Christian

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