Monday 3 October 2011

Palestine recognises Israels right to exist

Today in an exclusive interview with Russia Today, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said that Israel was recognised as a state but not on occupied land.

So does this mean that Fatah has finally persuaded Hamas to remove the offending clause in its constitution about Israel like the IRa did and the Irish People in the 26 counties of the Republic by refernedum from their constitution agreed at Stormont by the Good Friday agreement.

If so then the Palestinian states constitution could allow religious minorities like Israels and other democracies and thus resolve teh status of remaining settlers as dual nationals, allowed to all people of teh world under international law.

That still leaves the status of Jerusalem and Bethlehem and Ramallah. If teh East Jerusalem new houses (100 in total) became diplomat housing or were let to the Palestinian Authority to fund the 'Jewish Palestinians' remaining in Palestine as allowed under international law then its a good idea. If teh Palestinians don't want them there then they can buy them off them when they get East Jerusalem or put through planning laws and nationalise them as part of a united municipality after a peace agreement has been reached. Direct action is counterproductive and could risk a third intifada.

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